Saturday, March 27, 2010

Gulf Wars, Randomness, and Slacking

Still having sinus issues. I go see an ENT on Monday.

Gulf Wars was fun. Friday I dressed as 14th century, which is way later than I usually dress (Anglo-Saxon or Viking). I think I will be more comfortable with it once I figure out how to deal with the veil. My cotehardie is already a little big for me - I will have to take it up before I wear it again - you can tell how it puckers under my belt.

Totally random item #1: I got a pair of the Sketchers Shape-ups shoes. I have been wearing my running shoes to school and I want to save them for running, so I thought I would try these and see what they are like. I doubt ALL the claims they make in their propaganda pamphlet are true, but they were comfortable enough for me to buy.

Totally random item #2: I got the Eat Clean Diet book. Sounds interesting. I might try to incorporate some of it into my life. I just started reading it.

Totally random item #3: I got a bike helmet and Joe bought stuff to fix our bike tires - yay!

Totally random item #4: I got a bunch of seeds for herbs and veggies (I got, I got, I got - can you tell we got our income tax refund?) and I am going to try my hand at growing something. Maybe I have outgrown my 'black thumb' and they will actually live.

I have hardly exercised the past few days. Monday I did circuit and yoga for a total of 2 hours at my new gym. Tuesday was 1/2 hour of wii fit. Wed. was 1 hour yoga. Thursday I did nothing. Friday I did about 2 minutes on the treadmill and then started tidying up my random exercise stuff. Today Miss Priss and I walked around a nearby wildlife refuge for about 2 hours, but it was slow walking (short six-year-old legs!). I totally blew off the Couch to 5K I planned to do Friday. I WILL do it tomorrow. I am going to chalk it all up to getting over the crud and being a little run down. I also think week 4 scares me.

I really want to get back on the bandwagon - I feel like I've fallen off. I think part of the problem is we are having a huge high school art show at a local gallery this week and I have been focusing on that, and I haven't had time for SparkPeople like I normally do. I am hoping tomorrow to have a little time to catch up with what all my SparkFriends have been doing this week. I really enjoy seeing what everyone is up to, and I miss it and kind of get mopey without it.

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