Sunday, June 6, 2010


I went out on the only local bike path today. Rode to it and on it for 1/2 hour and then turned around and came back. It took me 6 minutes longer on the way back, but I had a headwind and it felt like it was all uphill. By the last 10 minutes, my mantra was, "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, ow, my butt, ow, my butt, ow my butt."

I saw lots of squirrels, birds, and bunnies.

I thought I was doing pretty well by the halfway mark - I was going faster and farther without stop signs and traffic lights. But then a biker on the road FLEW by me and kind of made me disgusted with myself. Still, I guess I'm doing better than the 50% of people on their butts in front of the TV.

I seem to be using the word 'butt' a lot in this post.

I went 9.8 miles in 1:06 with a maximum speed of 20.1 (WooHoo!) and an average speed of 8.9 mph (bleh). At that rate, I would do 16.2 miles in 1:49. Not good enough by at least 20 minutes. But I am working on endurance now, speed will be next. If I finish the triathlon after everyone else has packed up and gone home, I will still have finished.

Crossing railroad tracks for the first time on the bike was kind of scary. But I am not afraid of the faster speeds like I was when I first started. My bike needs some work; it won't stay in gear. So I guess that gets added to the 'to-do' list for the week.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

So Much Going On

I have been running nonstop. Highlights:

Left Friday for Gatlinburg. Was at my sickest with this last sinus infection. Felt better Saturday. Sunday I went hiking with Joe's stepdad. Joe can't hike because of his knees. Anyhow, we hiked to Rainbow Falls in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. My hiking map says it's 5.6 miles round trip and rated 'strenuous' (as opposed to easy or moderate). I did it, and my legs were SO SORE for 2-3 days afterward. They are a tiny bit sore today - I noticed it while I was swimming. The good thing is, I wore my Vibrams and they were great! I was worried, because whenever I would step on a pointed rock, I felt it and I just knew I would have stone bruises all over the bottoms of my feet the next day - but they were fine!

Notice I am wearing my Decatur Tri Club shirt!

Unfortunately, all the family dinners out canceled out my hiking. At least I haven't gained anything (so far). We got back Tuesday night, and I was out of town all day yesterday and today, so I am behind on training. I am going to compare the 12 and 10 week plans I have and figure out what I need to do. I may have time to bike tonight before it gets dark. Even though I am behind, I have been walking and hiking and swimming. I need to do some yoga - it has fallen out of my rotation, and I am paying for it. Swimming, biking, running, strength, yoga - all that is a lot to do!

Edited to add: I went for a 30 min. bike ride - did the first 4 miles in 27 minutes. That's 1:50 for 16.2 miles at that pace. Pluses - I had to stop for lights & water, and there were hills. Minuses - I only did a little over 4 miles, not 16.2, and it wasn't right after a 600 yd. swim. But I did get over 19 mph at one point!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh, My!

I am not a TV watcher. I have to be doing something or I get antsy. I also like very little of what is on TV. I saw some TLC at a friend's house, and I remembered it as being an educational channel - not a channel for brides to knock each others' weddings or for people to make others cry about what clothes they wear. I know a lot of people like that stuff, that's why they show it. But it's not for me.

I usually watch a movie or series on DVD (Firefly, etc.) while exercising. I watch Glee each week, and would watch Big Bang Theory if I could ever remember when it came on. But that's about it. I know a lot of people on here watch The Biggest Loser, but I had never seen it. So I decided to check it out.

Miss Priss and I watched the first three episodes in one evening. She watches very little TV also (Ruff Ruffman on PBS about 3 days a week, and what she sees on Sundays at her Nana's, and usually something with Joe & I on Friday nights), so she will watch anything. We have now watched the first 5 episodes on Hulu. I am hooked.

The thing is, I haven't been able to do the C25K 20 minute run yet. I did 12 min. in April at the 5K, and I did 15 earlier this month at the gym. Every other time I get up to 5 minutes and slow down. Tonight I decided to try running after biking, to see how I could handle it when I have to do it in the triathlon. I used the stationary bike for 20 minutes, immediately got on the treadmill running, and ran for 20 minutes without stopping! Granted, it was at my unbelievably slow pace, but that is the most I've ever done and I did it after biking for 20 minutes!

I can't figure out how I did it except to chalk it up to watching The Biggest Loser. I told my husband that maybe seeing what they can do even being so much bigger than me must have motivated me. He said watching it guilted me into working harder.

Or maybe it was that I had Mexican for lunch with cheese dip. There's some guilt there.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tri Club

I saw where someone on posted "any other slow, overweight, newbie triathletes?" and after answering her with my plans, she mentioned that she lives in my town and that there was a new Tri Club having its first meeting the very next night! So I went, and learned a lot. I joined, got the t-shirt, and am waiting for them to approve my Facebook friend request so I can ask some more questions.

I went out biking tonight. Did my 5K route through the neighborhood. The route that is 3.2 miles on the closest edge of the sidewalk is 3.5 miles in the road. It took me 24 minutes, which comes out to 1:51 for 16.2 miles (the tri bike distance) if I kept that pace. The slowest time last year was 1:29, but I'm not too worried. First of all, there is a stop sign at almost every intersection in my neighborhood, and while I didn't stop at every one, I at least had to slow down to make sure no cars were coming. Second, I think my neighborhood is not as flat as the area around the lake where the tri is. It is billed as "flat and fast." Third, I haven't started my 12 week training.

Still, I would like to know what I could do. I need to either find somewhere that I think is safe to ride, or find out what setting on the bikes at the gym best approximates a real bike.

One more week until hiking and then tri training!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Shoes

I finally got the shoes I have been wanting:

They are Vibram Five Fingers in the 'Sprint' line, the most versatile of their shoes. These can be used for running, climbing, yoga, and water sports. They are incredibly comfortable. I can't stand toe socks, but these are fine. It feels like I am barefoot, but with traction - I kind of feel like Spiderman. I have been afraid to run outside barefoot because I don't want to step on something. Now I can wear these. I normally run barefoot on the treadmill, and I wore these last night on the treadmill for almost an hour, and they were fine! I love them.

I am kind of in an exercise slump. I don't have any energy for some reason. I think I might need some protein or something. I am trying to talk myself into going to yoga tonight, but I think a bike ride might perk me up more.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


A friend posted this on SparkPeople with her answers, and I am copying her:

I thought it would be fun to answer the same questions for my Spark friends to get to know me better and also see if you also want to give it a try in your blog. It should be fun!

1) In my fridge, you'll always find:
Hummus, water, chai mix, natural peanut butter, carrots, applesauce

2) My favorite "go-to" exercise is:
treadmill with a movie or Wii fit.

3) When I usually workout is:
afternoons after school but before dinner. Sometimes later in the evening.

4) My biggest temptation/obstacle is:
chocolate, social situations, an occasional drink, anything with cheese

5) My favorite trick for staying motivated is:
my family. I tell them when I plan to exercise, and they help hold me accountable. My husband doesn't push, "I thought you were going to work out" or "can you eat this?" My daughter does. She is six and knows that she gets to watch cartoons if I take her to the gym. She also likes to run on the treadmill, hit the sandbag (with my great big pink boxing gloves on!) and watch me play Wii fit - she usually picks my activities and then I do strength & yoga after she goes to bed.

6) In my home gym, you'll find:
a treadmill, sandbag with boxing gloves or hand wraps, yoga mats and props, balance balls, a spark balance board that I haven't used much yet, resistance bands, yoga & exercise vhs tapes, a gazelle, hand weights that I don't use often enough, and a stationary bike that I'm hoping will be more comfortable once I lose more weight

7) In the Grocery store, I usually head for ________ first.
fruit, because it's the first thing I get to! I buy a lot of Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine meals, but I am hoping to wean myself off the processed foods over the summer. I want to pack bento boxes for Miss Priss and myself when school starts back in August!

8) My personal Motto is:
"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." Stolen from Pablo Picasso. I love learning new things, and often sign on to do or teach things I've never done just so I can learn how to do them.

Feel free to repost with your answers on your blog. I have gotten lots of emails with stuff like this and this is the first time that I can remember ever doing one of these!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What's Been Going On

Good morning!

I was shocked to see how long it had been since I posted. I think I am feeling both discouraged and a bit guilty, and I think that has caused some avoidance of SP.

I have made some decisions. I have put off the triathlon training until school is out (two more weeks). The last few weeks of school are very busy, and I was missing my family. I have to leave the house to bike and swim, and between that and yoga there were some nights where I left as soon as Joe got home and by the time I returned, both he and Miss Priss were in bed. If I put off the training until school is out, I won't have to sacrifice family time. I am still biking, swimming, and running, but not according to my training schedule. I will go back to it in two weeks.

I also have to start counting calories again. I am letting calories sneak in, mostly in social situations. I am hovering around the 200 mark. I weighed in Monday at 198, but Friday I was 200. I am going to pretend Friday didn't exist and keep going. If I weigh in next Friday over 198, I'll change my counter. So I have a week to get those 2 lbs. gone again.

I had dropped off with the C25K when I started the triathlon training. Since I put off the training for a couple of weeks, I have picked the C25K back up. I can do it at home on the treadmill while my daughter plays on the other exercise equipment, so we are 'working out' together and we both have fun. I still haven't completed the 20 min. run, but I am up to 15 minutes at a slow pace, so I will get there. Maybe it's a good thing that I put the training on hold - now I can focus a little more on the running, which is a very weak area for me. Wait, who am I kidding? All athletic areas are very weak areas for me! But I will get there.

I changed some of my goals. At 200, instead of the Wii game, I got a bike rack for the car. I am also saving up to get a pair of Vibram Five Fingers shoes. I may not be able to wait for 180 lbs. to get a haircut - I am looking pretty shaggy.

I had originally posted these goals, along with rewards for every 20 lbs. I lost:
* Begin the couch to 5k program next week
* Take the 5k route through my neighborhood the next day it is warm enough so I can see how long it takes
* Go hiking on our next trip to Gatlinburg
* Run in a 5k by the end of June
* Get a helmet so I can go biking as soon as my bike is fixed
* Add strength training to my regular exercise routine by the end of March

I have completed all of these except the hiking in Gatlinburg, which I will do Memorial Day weekend. So I need some new goals! I know that one will be:
*Finish the Mountain Lakes Triathlon, even if they have stopped timing by the time I finish

My dry erase board on the refrigerator is empty except for one goal. I need some new ones!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Four Good Things

Thing the first: My mom is better & will probably get to go home Wednesday. Yay!

Thing the second: My 'Yoga for Healthy Knees' book finally came in, after being ordered about a month ago. My knees are the only parts of my body that really give me grief, knock on wood.

Thing the third: You know that big weight? The one that moves in 50 lb. increments on the medical scale when you weigh in? Yes, that one - I got to move it down a notch today!!! ::happy dance:: I had to move the little weight all the way up to 50, but the bottom weight was on 150 instead of 200!!!! I have finally hit the 200 mark and I am determined to break it - hopefully this Friday! So I have been exercising my little heart out this afternoon. Got my 30 min. bike riding and 30 min. swimming in for triathlon training, did 15 min. boxing (that's all I can do without falling over!) and 15 min. on the gazelle. I am considering doing 30 min. yoga before bed to stretch myself out so I will sleep well. I feel like the Energizer Bunny!

Thing the fourth: I have been swimming with my head out of the water, doing a 25 yard lap in just under a minute. By the time I am done, my neck is sore. I got goggles (and nose clips, but they make me feel panicky so I can't use them) over the weekend so I could put my face in the water. I am down to my last pair of contacts and I can't lose them! It wasn't as easy as I thought. I panicked a little, and felt very out of breath. It took me 15 minutes and several tries before I got the hang of it. My college swim class was a long time ago! Anyhow, I can only swim one length of the pool before grabbing the side and panting to catch my breath, but I can do that one length in 35 seconds! My goal Wednesday is to swim two lengths without stopping. I figure I can build endurance a little at a time. If I can't swim correctly the whole way, I can do the sidestroke for a while (45 seconds) until I can catch my breath.

Hope everyone else had an awesome Monday!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


So - between my mom falling & breaking her leg (spiral fracture from outside of her right hip to inside her right knee) and being out of town to visit family and tornadoes and floods and trying to get home from Tennessee, I have not eaten right or exercised since Thursday.

I am starting all over tomorrow. I will still do week 2 of the triathlon training, but I may do the 2x easier version instead of the 3x harder version.

In good news, I got goggles and a nose clip so I can swim with my face in the water.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Busyness and Training

Well, I finished the dragonfly. Here's a picture:

In between finishing the dragonfly and delivering it, while it was drying, I managed to get my swim in. After I delivered it, I got my bike ride in, even though it was dark. One benefit to living downtown is there is very little traffic at night and there are some large, well-lit parking lots.

I felt better once I was done. I had been nervous - that training schedule is enough to make anyone nervous - but once I saw how easy it was to work it in even on a busy night I felt more comfortable with it. I am supposed to do strength training twice a week, so I decided to add it to Sundays and Tuesdays because I only have a run on those days.

This afternoon Miss Priss and I went to the gym (she said she has been wanting to go to see the kids' area, but I think it had more to do with the TV and Cartoon Network). I did 4 min. warmup, 12 min. run, and 4 min. cool down followed by 25 min. strength training. It wasn't bad.

I am going to have to do some planning. We are going out of town to visit family Friday night & won't be back until Sunday night. I don't know how I am going to get my swim in because Joe will want to leave before lap times at the pool. I don't want to get off the schedule this early in the game, but I'm not sure how to work it out. I will have to figure out something.

The days I don't exercise it is usually because I make it out in my head to be so much more tiring/time consuming/hard than it really is. When I do exercise, I always feel great afterward. So I have got to work on the mental aspect of getting my body healthy. The same thing goes with eating. It is quicker/easier/more convenient to grab some processed crap than it is to make a healthy meal. But when I make or eat a healthy meal, I always enjoy it more.

Hope everyone is having a great week! Almost halfway to the weekend!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Training Starts Today

After doing so well the end of last week, I did hardly anything Friday and Saturday. Sunday I played a little basketball, but didn't bike like I had planned. We had some unexpected company and I had to work on the dragonfly.

I found some sprint triathlon training schedules online and I really like two of them. I think I am going to shoot for the one that is about 3-4 hours a week (the other one is about 2-3). They kind of line up with each other, so if I have a busy day, I can do the shorter version.

Week 1 (starting today) looks like this:

Monday: 12 min. swim / 24 min. bike
Tuesday: 12 min. run
Wednesday: 16 min. swim / 32 min. bike
Thursday: 16 min. run
Friday: 20 min. swim / 44 min. bike
Saturday: off
Sunday: 20 min. run

I know I can run 12 minutes, so this looks like a good starting point for me. I have an unfinished dragonfly due this afternoon, so hopefully I can get it done before 7:00 and get to the pool. I really hope I can do this!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Triathlon Planning

Tuesday I went to the local pool and swam laps (the first time is free). I swam 600 yards in just under 30 minutes. The slowest time from last year's triathlon was 28:53, so I think I can make the cut. The only problem is I am swimming in a pool where I can push off from a wall every 25 yards. The triathlon swim is in a lake. I think the next time I will just stop when I get to the wall and not push off and see how fast I can do it. I did feel good that I could swim that entire time without stopping. I didn't push myself much, though. I wanted to make sure I had enough energy to go the whole distance.

Since this is the first time I have timed myself swimming, I think I can shave enough time off to make the cut. Only problem is, the pool is $100 to join. That's for a year, not so bad, but we just spent that much already on a new bike.

I went bike riding for fun yesterday, with a teenage friend of the family who was also looking for someone to ride bikes with. My husband had asked me the day before if my bike (some sort of Schwinn cruiser, lovely, but with no gears) would work for the triathlon. I told him since I just wanted to finish under the time limit, it should be fine. But after yesterday's ride, I realized it wasn't going to work. Any time there was a hill, I slowed down almost to a stop and really had to work to get it up the incline. Whenever we went downhill, there was no point in my pedaling as it had no effect. My friend let me try her bike with gears, and she talked me through how to use them. The difference was incredible - I could fly up the hills and pick up extra speed on the downhill inclines.

After our ride, we went by my husband's work to see him. He mentioned me needing a new bike again, and this time I agreed. So I now have a new Schwinn Jet Star with 21 speeds. I bought a speedometer to go on it. Today we went out again, but Miss Priss was with us (age 6) so I couldn't really let it out over a distance. I did speed up over some short spaces and got up to 14.9 mph. That concerned me, because the triathlon is 16.2 miles of biking. I was thinking I needed to complete that portion in about an hour, and that would require a speed of 16.2 mph.

When I got home, I looked it up and the slowest bike time was 1:29:08 which averages out to about 11 mph. I don't know if I can get it that fast and keep it that fast. I am still very shaky on the bike, and a little nervous. If I am on a paved road with few turns, and I build up some muscle and endurance, I may be okay. I really need to take it out somewhere where I can get up some speed.

I still have not made the running up to day 3 of week 5, but today was my first day running since I had been sick. I didn't push it, since I had already spent 45 min. on the bike this morning. I walked 5 min, ran 3, walked 2, ran 3, walked 2. Pitiful. But I am hoping to get a schedule worked out so I can run, bike and swim each week without overdoing it any day. I also don't want to give up my twice a week yoga, but I didn't even go this week. It just takes up so much time!

This week:
Tuesday: 40 min. swim
Wednesday: 45 min. biking
Thursday: 45 min. biking, 15 min. treadmill, 15 min. boxing

I may get some yoga in later - after the tummy bug I didn't exercise for a week and I think I have gained 3 or 4 lbs. back. I want to make it up while I can because next week I have to go back to work! This week has been our spring break.

Sometimes I feel like I'm crazy for even trying this (last year there were only 2 women in the Athena category - 150 lbs. or more - and I'm over 200), but I know even if I fail I will be so far ahead of where I am now. And if I fail, they aren't going to cancel all triathlons in the future - there will be more. And I will finish one.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Plotting and Planning

Did not exercise yesterday. I was disappointed, but I felt achy all over and my body hurt. I was complaining to Joe about it and saying that I didn't know what was wrong with me and he insisted it was still the bug we had earlier. Last night was the first time since last Monday he has been hungry, and he said he still aches all over. I hope to be better today and get some exercise in - my next mini goal is in a few days!

So, the Wet Dog Triathlon is out. There is another one that looks like more fun, but it is a couple of hours away. It is called the Mountain Lakes Triathlon and it looks lovely. My only concern is it is a lot longer than the Wet Dog. 600 yard swim, 16.2 mile bike, and a 3 mile run. The run is along Lake Guntersville, and there is a post-event party at the pool, and it is very family friendly. I just don't know if I can make those distances. I need to set up a training schedule and find a pool!

I looked at last year's results. The slowest time reported for the 600 yard swim was 28:53. The slowest time for the bike ride was 1:29:08, and the slowest for the run was 51:45. I already know I can do a 3.2 mile run in 45:04, so I am not too worried about the run as long as I stick to my couch to 5k running. I need to build up my endurance so I can do it after swimming and biking! I have no idea what I can swim or bike. The slowest race time reported was 2:48:56. I figure if I can beat each of the slowest times for each part of the event and make sure my total is under that 2:48, I should be okay. The goal is to finish before the event planners stop timing people!

Monday, April 19, 2010

This Week

Good morning!

I am out of school for the week. I have so much to do!

1. Paint dragonfly for public art project in my city.
2. Learn how to use airbrush since they required us to use a certain paint after I submitted my sprayed design (used spray on rustoleum last year).
3. Piece together and edit video for my fifth grade students' 'Designers' Challenge' spoof project.
4. (Hopefully) get to Guntersville to visit Unclaimed Baggage and more importantly, visit some friends that moved there a few months ago.
5. Pick back up with Couch to 5K - haven't done it in over a week because I still feel kind of bleh from the bug I had last week. My honey still is hardly eating. I am not feeling like exercising, but unfortunately I am feeling like eating!
6. Yoga Mon. & Wed. at the gym
7. Pick back up with cardio
8. Add strength training - leaving in a few to try & find some second hand 8 lb. weights.
9. Find a new sprint triathlon - see below.

This post was going to be about my next project post 5K - a sprint triathlon. Swim 400 yards, bike 15K, run 5K. I was shooting for the local one on July 17. Goal was to finish before the cutoff time, not to win anything. I was very excited. I love swimming and biking (who knew?), but I am not going to get to participate. We have been planning a trip to the beach with my inlaws, and they have made our reservation for that week. I mentioned to my husband that we could come back a day or two early, but he was having none of it. So I am going to hunt around and see if I can find another one. All the other ones I have seen in our area have been much longer, and I would be pushing it to do this short one. I guess there's always next year.

I need to get back on the bandwagon! No exercise except walking for a week is pitiful! Today is the day!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Question: How Do I Lose Six Pounds In a Week?

Answer: Catch your daughter's stomach flu.

So, as soon as I get back on here after dealing with lots of stuff, Miss Priss gets sick and then Joe and I both catch it. Vicious, nasty bug. Anyhow, better now.

Check out NPR's Guitar Hero Workout - pretty cute article!

I am down to 202 - maybe by next Friday I can be at 200 and get the Wii game I've been waiting for - it's a dance game that looks like fun. I am a little worried because our spring break is next week and I don't always eat as well when I'm home. I need to find some easy recipes!

Hope everyone has a BEAUTIFUL weekend!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The 5K

It was a beautiful morning. I got to the park about 7:15. I signed in and got my packet (they were out of XL shirts even though I preregistered. I took it as a sign from above that I will need a Large in the near future). There was a small plastic square with a chip in it that I fastened to my shoe with twist ties. I walked around some and visited with my brother in law until I had to move to the back of the pack.

I was supposed to run 20 minutes for week 5, day 3 of couch to 5K. I only made it about 12 and a half minutes. That is still better than Thursday's 8 minutes, so I'll take it. Plus, it was outside and not on the treadmill.

The previous two times I had timed myself going 5K were 55 minutes each. At the halfway point, I was over 20 minutes. I thought it looked pretty good for me to get in under an hour. As I got closer to the finish line, I could see I was going to beat the 55 minutes, and maybe even get in under 50. I crossed the finish line at about 45:02, give or take a couple of seconds. By that point in time, the 10K runners had been passing those of us still going (they shared the last 1.7 miles with our path).

It was very cool crossing the finish line. There was a big clock with the time and lots of people cheering. I never in a million years thought I would be doing something like this.

I was nowhere near the last person to finish, but I wasn't really close to 'the pack' of runners at all. I felt fine afterward, except for a little bit of "if I had pushed a little more, I could have been under 45:00!" But now I have a goal for next time.

And I figure a first time of 45:02 is just fine for a 200+ lb. 40 year old who could barely run 60 seconds a month and a half ago! If you are thinking about trying the Couch to 5K program, just think - if I can do it, you can, too!

Hi, Everyone!

I know I have been missing for the past week and a half. Had some stress going on at work and Miss Priss has had strep throat. I hope to have a longer post today AFTER I FINISH MY FIRST 5K!!!

I am at Week 5, Day 3 of Couch to 5K. Today is the 20 minute run. I'll be doing it during the 5K. I am over halfway done with C25K!

Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Gulf Wars, Randomness, and Slacking

Still having sinus issues. I go see an ENT on Monday.

Gulf Wars was fun. Friday I dressed as 14th century, which is way later than I usually dress (Anglo-Saxon or Viking). I think I will be more comfortable with it once I figure out how to deal with the veil. My cotehardie is already a little big for me - I will have to take it up before I wear it again - you can tell how it puckers under my belt.

Totally random item #1: I got a pair of the Sketchers Shape-ups shoes. I have been wearing my running shoes to school and I want to save them for running, so I thought I would try these and see what they are like. I doubt ALL the claims they make in their propaganda pamphlet are true, but they were comfortable enough for me to buy.

Totally random item #2: I got the Eat Clean Diet book. Sounds interesting. I might try to incorporate some of it into my life. I just started reading it.

Totally random item #3: I got a bike helmet and Joe bought stuff to fix our bike tires - yay!

Totally random item #4: I got a bunch of seeds for herbs and veggies (I got, I got, I got - can you tell we got our income tax refund?) and I am going to try my hand at growing something. Maybe I have outgrown my 'black thumb' and they will actually live.

I have hardly exercised the past few days. Monday I did circuit and yoga for a total of 2 hours at my new gym. Tuesday was 1/2 hour of wii fit. Wed. was 1 hour yoga. Thursday I did nothing. Friday I did about 2 minutes on the treadmill and then started tidying up my random exercise stuff. Today Miss Priss and I walked around a nearby wildlife refuge for about 2 hours, but it was slow walking (short six-year-old legs!). I totally blew off the Couch to 5K I planned to do Friday. I WILL do it tomorrow. I am going to chalk it all up to getting over the crud and being a little run down. I also think week 4 scares me.

I really want to get back on the bandwagon - I feel like I've fallen off. I think part of the problem is we are having a huge high school art show at a local gallery this week and I have been focusing on that, and I haven't had time for SparkPeople like I normally do. I am hoping tomorrow to have a little time to catch up with what all my SparkFriends have been doing this week. I really enjoy seeing what everyone is up to, and I miss it and kind of get mopey without it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sinus Issues

I had a good time at Gulf Wars. We left Sat. afternoon since it was supposed to rain Sat. night and we didn't want to have to pack up a wet camp Sunday. Got home late last night. I have a raging sinus infection - I am about to go to the Dr. in a few minutes.

I am so frustrated - as soon as I get over one, I get another! I have tried allergy medicines, a neti pot, and trying to stay away from stuff that I know sets me off (like smoke). I probably have one now from all the campfire smoke.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Good Things

Good thing #1 - Yesterday I finally got up the nerve to tell my husband that since I like the Wii boxing & Gold's Gym Cardio Boxing so much, I wanted a punching bag. I knew we couldn't get a new one, and my brother got one a few years ago that I don't think he uses. So I told Joe that I wanted to ask my brother if he'd sell me his. Joe told me that he had one in his car that his stepdad gave him to get rid of. He was going to take it to his work (the Habitat ReStore). So he gave it to me instead! Joe took me to the local sports store & got me some pink boxing gloves.

Good thing #2 - I am losing weight - the weigh-ins are going well.

Good thing #3 - I did Week 3, Day 1 of Couch to 5K today with no trouble. After I finished I continued to walk for the rest of 5K. Same as last time - 55 min. but I know during my intervals I was walking pretty slow to catch my breath. At least it didn't take longer than last time!

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Did It! Neener, Neener, Neener!

Today my daughter had a 2 hour activity across the street from a park with a 1.5 mile walking trail. I did Week 2, Day 3 of Couch to 5K after not having done it for several days (I did day 2 Friday of last week, and couldn't finish running the last interval & a half). I did it no problem! I do SO MUCH BETTER outside than on the treadmill. Not only did I finish Week 2, but I walked around the track 2 more times to take up the full 2 hours.

I saw a little old lady using a metal detector under a swingset.

I think I might have been going the wrong way on the track - I was constantly meeting people going the other way. I only saw one jogger and one bicyclist going the same direction as I was. But all the mile signs were facing me, so I don't know.

I am so thankful for Podrunner Intervals. I think one of the reasons I do better outside is that I'm not watching the seconds on the treadmill and waiting for the running portion to end. When I'm outside and feel like I can't go on during the running part, I say to myself, "if I make it to that trash can and it hasn't given me the signal to switch to walking, I'll go ahead and stop." Then, when I get to the trash can, I think, "surely, it'll be over by the time I get to that light post." And it always is. I can hold out just a little longer when I can't actually count the seconds.

I am ready for Week 3!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Off Track and Okay

I am feeling much better about my exercise issues. I didn't like falling behind on the Couch to 5K, but the comments I got on SparkPeople made me feel better. I kept feeling the pressure to 'make up' what I had missed and 'catch up' on my schedule, but last night I was exhausted and gave myself permission to lay off the exercise until I'm not coughing so much.

It made me a little nervous, because I had missed exercising and we had gone out for dinner (first time since I re-started Spark) and I was thinking, "here it comes, I'm going to go back to my old habits, going out to eat, not counting calories, not exercising."

But I only ate 3 chips/salsa and I didn't order cheese dip, and I drank water, and yesterday I stocked up on some more healthy food. I didn't 'fall off the bandwagon!' I am keeping within my calorie range and I will start back exercising this week when I feel better.

I have to learn that it's not all-or-nothing. I think I'm doing what I need to do.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I am beginning to learn my limitations. I am having trouble with Week 2 of the Couch to 5K program. Here is what I have done so far:

Wed., 2/24 – W1D1 (Week1, Day 1), did okay. Walked 4.0 Km/hr, ran 6.0 Km/hr. 2.0 Km/30 min. total.

Fri., 2/26 – W1D2, did okay. Walked 3.2 Km/hr, ran 6.2 Km/hr. 2.0 Km/30 min. total.

Sun., 2/28 – W1D3, did great. Outside, so don’t know speed, but did over 2.6 Km/30 min. total. Kept walking and did 5K total in 55 min.

Tues., 3/2 – Sick with sinus infection.

Wed., 3/3 – Went to the Dr., still sick, did W2D1 anyway, one day behind schedule. Walked 4.5 Km/hr, ran 6.5 Km/hr. Had to hold on to the front of the treadmill twice. ‘Speed walked’ the last two running intervals instead of running. Felt awful afterward. My head was full of pressure and I had a raging headache. Not sure if it was caused by the sinus infection or maybe my blood pressure was up? Will exercise raise your blood pressure? I know some of the decongestants that I am taking may raise it.

Fri., 3/5 – Got up super early so I can get back on my schedule. Still one day behind. I figure if I am supposed to have a rest day between sets and I am behind a day, I can do W2D2 early Friday morning and W2D3 late Saturday evening and be back on schedule. Started out great – walked 4.5 Km/hr, ran 6.7 Km/hr (this is actually more comfortable than the 6.5, which seems too slow. Also, the faster pace won’t allow me to ‘speed walk.’), and I made it almost all the way through. Halfway through the next-to-last running interval, I had to stop. I felt like I was going to throw up. I walked the rest of the half hour, still got 2.1 Km in. I was shaky for a little while afterward.

I don’t know if it is because I am just so out of shape, or if it is the sinus infection and medicine that is causing me the trouble. I am hoping it is the latter, but since that’s pretty much only affecting my head & sinuses, I think it may just be that I need more time. Also, I think I sped up my walking interval too fast. I’m not getting my breathing as controlled as I would like it between running sets.

I am still going to do W2D3 tomorrow (Sat.) evening. That will get me back on my schedule. It should be lovely weather outside, and I seem to do better outside than on the treadmill. If it is as easy as W1D3 then I will go on to Week 3 next week. I will probably slow my walking portion down to 4.0 Km/hr. to make sure I can catch my breath between running intervals. If I have trouble, I guess I will have to stay on Week 2 until I can do it. I will be a little disappointed, but I’ll get over it. It might actually be good for me to have a setback, because I have been afraid that I would ‘fall off the bandwagon’ but I don’t think I will.

If I am able to stay on track, there is a local 5K run that happens on my last day of the Couch to 5K program. If I don’t stay on track, there’s another race Memorial Day. That’s still over a month before my main goal of running a 5K by the end of June, so it will be okay.

What’s funny is right now, I feel great! I am excited about running outside tomorrow. I hope I am over the sinus crud so I can enjoy it.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

It Took Almost an Hour, but I Did It!

I did Week 1 Day 3 of Couch to 5K today, and outside for the first time instead of on a treadmill. I think using the treadmill is causing me to go slower - I normally get 2.0 km in 1/2 hr. on the treadmill and I did over 2.6 outside in 1/2 hour. Plus some slight inclines. I kept walking after I was done, and managed to do 5k in 55 minutes. I walked around for a few more minutes to get in a full hour. I was surprised that my body could do it!

Which makes me wonder - when you enter a 5k, how long do they give you to finish? I was surprised when I realized I made it in under an hour, but disappointed when I figured out that I only went about 3.4 miles per hour on average for the whole hour.

It was so beautiful outside, and the hour went by much faster than even 1/2 hour on the treadmill seems to. I can't wait for spring so I can get out more. I said hi to several people in the neighborhood, gave one man directions, and laughed with another lady when I ran by her fence and her dogs startled me and made me squeal. I felt good. It was still hard to do, but only physically - not so much mentally.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What is Wrong with Me? Couch to 5K

One of my goals was to begin the Couch to 5K program next week. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to make it through the first day, so I decided to try it last night just to make sure I could do it. I started out walking at 4.2 km/hr and running at 7.2 km/hr and couldn't do it - so I slowed down to walking at 4.0 km/hr and running at 6.0 km/hr and it was really tough, but I did it - and I only had to hang on to the front of the treadmill once.

I felt like it was killing me, and my legs felt like jello when I was done, but I did it and felt fine afterward. My legs aren't even sore today. But what I don't understand is that all day I have been impatient for tomorrow so I can try it again. You are only supposed to do it every other day. I know when I get on that treadmill tomorrow, I will be thinking about how crazy I was to be looking forward to it all day today. I'm not sure what is up with that. Anyhow, I consider myself starting the C25K as of yesterday.

I used the Podrunner Interval Podcast while I was doing it, and it helped me keep my speed up - even at that slow pace I was going much faster than I normally go on the treadmill. And I felt like I had a much better workout when I was finished.

I am going for time, not distance. When I make it through week nine (or whenever I finish), then I will start increasing my speed to improve my distance.

Today, my off day, I did 45 minutes of Helix (just got it for wii, one website called it "DDR for your arms") and 15 of wii boxing. Can't wait until tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Goals and Rewards

I have set some rewards and goals for myself.

* Begin the couch to 5k program next week
* Take the 5k route through my neighborhood the next day it is warm enough so I can see how long it takes
* Go hiking on our next trip to Gatlinburg
* Run in a 5k by the end of June
* Get a helmet so I can go biking as soon as my bike is fixed
* Add strength training to my regular exercise routine by the end of March

* At 200 lbs., a new wii exercise game
* At 180 lbs., a pedicure & haircut
* At 160 lbs., a new wii exercise game
* At 140 lbs., sign up for a yoga class
* At 120 lbs., get a full body massage (I've never had a massage)
* A t-shirt from the event when I run a 5k.

I think I need to print these out and put them up somewhere so I will see them every day and hopefully hold myself accountable.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Finally Home and How I Know I Will Be a Healthy Weight

I had a great time at the Alabama Clay Conference. Had coffee & raisin bran for breakfast each day (and an apple this morning). For lunch, the healthiest option was a 'triple-decker' wheat PB&J. I skipped the chips & pasta salad and just ate the sandwich and a piece of fruit.

Friday dinner was reception food across from the art gallery. I loaded up on grapes, carrots, and cucumbers, but still had a mini biscuit with ham & mustard and a couple of small pieces of cheese. Saturday was a lot of cheesy soups, except for the chili. So I got it and a single pack of crackers.

Today at lunch there weren't any mayo-free options, so I ate a banana and an apple and the granola I had in my purse. Now I know that it wasn't enough, because I was really hungry a couple of hours later. So I had some rice cakes. I am learning.

I exercised 15 min. when we arrived at 1:30 am Thursday night. Friday was so tiring that I forgot (!) but got up early Saturday to get 15 minutes in for Friday. Saturday night I did 20 min. treadmill and 10 min. bike, and today after I got home I did 17 min. wii fit. I am pooped and have had a long and busy weekend and plan to get back to my 30 min. daily tomorrow.

I have finally come to the realization that I do know that this is going to work. I have been feeling like I am trying to convince myself, but something happened this weekend that made me realize that deep down, I believe it. I saw a slender lady who was laughing and talking to some friends. Normally, my first though would have been, "I wish I was that skinny" or "I'll never be that skinny" or something similar. But the first thought that popped into my head was, "when I'm that skinny..." I don't even remember what the rest of my thought was, because I was so shocked that I had that reaction!

I am still learning to eat healthy, and still trying to keep myself motivated to exercise, but I will get there.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Talking to Myself

I usually do 1/2 hour of wii fit each day. Sometimes I do 1/2 hour of treadmill, but I always do the Wii fit. (Heh. I say "always" like I've been doing this for more than a couple of weeks. Maybe I've had a lifestyle change.)

Anyhow, I weigh in early tomorrow at school because I will be gone Friday. I got on the Wii fit and was up 7/10 of a lb. I thought, "I'll show you!" and promptly got on the treadmill for 1/2 hour. Afterward, I went to do my 1/2 hour of Wii fit (if I'm by myself I usually do the free step at the highest speed). After about 2 minutes I was ready to quit.

I realized that mentally I was saying, "I'm tired, I don't want to do this, my chair is right there, I can just sit, it's going to take me forever to finish a half hour."

What timing. A day or so ago I was trying to bump up my SparkPoints and I read a SparkPeople motivation article about the power of positive self-talk. I have always believed it worked, or at least helped. Just watching my daughter repeat "I think I can" when trying something new reinforced my belief. But I'd never actually DONE it. It never occurred to me to do it. But because I had just read that article, I thought of it before I gave up and I tried it.

I set up an "I can do this" mantra in my head as I stepped and watched the Olympics. Shortly afterward, I was surprised to realize that I was 20 minutes in and didn't want to quit. It had worked!

So, there are two morals to this story. First, the positive self-talk does work. Second, doing things on the SparkPeople site such as connecting with friends and teams, reading articles, and tracking really does help. If I hadn't read that article, I would have probably plopped down in my chair and not only missed the rest of my exercise, but felt terrible, too.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hey! They Weren't Kidding About the Water!

I thought I would always have to work to get that eight glasses in. Today, I have had twelve without even trying, and it would have been more but a couple of times today I found myself in the middle of things with no water nearby and having to wait a little bit to go get one.

Also, I weighed in at school today (we weigh in for Biggest Loser on Fridays, but can weigh in any other day to check how we are doing). Even though I have been eating in or above my calorie range, I am down 1.5 lbs. since Friday! The exercise is paying off, I guess.

I have also cooked for the past two nights. Before, my husband did all the cooking, usually out of a box. The past two nights, we have had yummy Spark recipies, so now my whole family is eating healthier!

I have to go out of town Thursday night and won't be home until Sunday. I will be at the mercy of others for food (whatever they feed us at the conference) and am worried about how that will go. I may have to sneak my own food in!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Old Breakfast vs. New Breakfast

Old Sunday breakfast: Mt. Dew or Diet Mt. Dew, 5 slices bacon, 4 eggs with added milk cooked in bacon grease, two or three biscuits.

New Sunday breakfast: Coffee with skim milk and zero calorie sweetener, 2 slices bacon with the grease blotted off immediately, 1 egg and 3 egg whites cooked in olive oil, mini whole wheat pita with hummus, 1/2 banana, and a multivitamin.

Old Sunday breakfast calories: 1242-1617, depending on Dew / Diet Dew and whether or not I ate that third biscuit.

New Sunday Biscuit calories: 437, and that was a lot of food! I feel like I got as much or more to eat as before, and I am full enough that I don't think I will be snacking.

This will be my biggest meal of the day.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Weighing in at Work

We are doing the 'Biggest Loser' at work, and weighing in every Friday. I am a teacher, and we go to the medical students' classroom to weigh in. I am slowly losing a little weight!

Six servings of fruits & veggies today. I think I'm going to try out my (unopened) Dancing with the Stars Cardio Dance DVD in a little while.

And a three day weekend - WooHoo!

Haven't quit yet... and I'm not going to!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fruits & Veggies

Seven servings of fruits & veggies - probably 8 if you count all the lettuce I had at lunch. Second day of 30 min. exercise. I set my goal at 10 minutes, but once I start I might as well do 30.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Packing Healthy

I am having trouble counting calories - I have no idea what half of the stuff in my kitchen has in it. I have bought a lot of stuff fresh. Most of it is packaged at the store and doesn't have calorie counts. I hate counting calories and spending time logging them in. It's hard, but until I learn some healthy habits, it's the only way to hold myself accountable.

I am going to try to eat healthier. I plan to try and eat at least 3 servings of fruits & veggies a day. I have prepared tomorrow's lunch, and it is a salad (lettuce, 'artisan' greens, organic baby carrots & organic cucumber) with asian ginger dressing, fresh sliced papaya, seedless grapes, a mini whole wheat pita with hummus, and water. I have cut the diet sodas.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Starting a New Lifestyle

I am trying to improve my health. Both of my parents and my younger brother have had diabetes and high blood pressure for a few years now. I have always had normal sugar levels and blood pressure, but the past few times I went to the doctor my blood pressure was over 120/80. I blamed decongestants, but this last time I wasn't on anything, and the doctor at the walk in clinic looked concerned and gave me a coupon to a free gym visit.

My long term goals are to eat healthier foods, learn to cook, and exercise. I plan to use SparkPeople to help.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It Begins

Here we go...

Start: 237