Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh, My!

I am not a TV watcher. I have to be doing something or I get antsy. I also like very little of what is on TV. I saw some TLC at a friend's house, and I remembered it as being an educational channel - not a channel for brides to knock each others' weddings or for people to make others cry about what clothes they wear. I know a lot of people like that stuff, that's why they show it. But it's not for me.

I usually watch a movie or series on DVD (Firefly, etc.) while exercising. I watch Glee each week, and would watch Big Bang Theory if I could ever remember when it came on. But that's about it. I know a lot of people on here watch The Biggest Loser, but I had never seen it. So I decided to check it out.

Miss Priss and I watched the first three episodes in one evening. She watches very little TV also (Ruff Ruffman on PBS about 3 days a week, and what she sees on Sundays at her Nana's, and usually something with Joe & I on Friday nights), so she will watch anything. We have now watched the first 5 episodes on Hulu. I am hooked.

The thing is, I haven't been able to do the C25K 20 minute run yet. I did 12 min. in April at the 5K, and I did 15 earlier this month at the gym. Every other time I get up to 5 minutes and slow down. Tonight I decided to try running after biking, to see how I could handle it when I have to do it in the triathlon. I used the stationary bike for 20 minutes, immediately got on the treadmill running, and ran for 20 minutes without stopping! Granted, it was at my unbelievably slow pace, but that is the most I've ever done and I did it after biking for 20 minutes!

I can't figure out how I did it except to chalk it up to watching The Biggest Loser. I told my husband that maybe seeing what they can do even being so much bigger than me must have motivated me. He said watching it guilted me into working harder.

Or maybe it was that I had Mexican for lunch with cheese dip. There's some guilt there.

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