Tuesday, May 18, 2010


A friend posted this on SparkPeople with her answers, and I am copying her:

I thought it would be fun to answer the same questions for my Spark friends to get to know me better and also see if you also want to give it a try in your blog. It should be fun!

1) In my fridge, you'll always find:
Hummus, water, chai mix, natural peanut butter, carrots, applesauce

2) My favorite "go-to" exercise is:
treadmill with a movie or Wii fit.

3) When I usually workout is:
afternoons after school but before dinner. Sometimes later in the evening.

4) My biggest temptation/obstacle is:
chocolate, social situations, an occasional drink, anything with cheese

5) My favorite trick for staying motivated is:
my family. I tell them when I plan to exercise, and they help hold me accountable. My husband doesn't push, "I thought you were going to work out" or "can you eat this?" My daughter does. She is six and knows that she gets to watch cartoons if I take her to the gym. She also likes to run on the treadmill, hit the sandbag (with my great big pink boxing gloves on!) and watch me play Wii fit - she usually picks my activities and then I do strength & yoga after she goes to bed.

6) In my home gym, you'll find:
a treadmill, sandbag with boxing gloves or hand wraps, yoga mats and props, balance balls, a spark balance board that I haven't used much yet, resistance bands, yoga & exercise vhs tapes, a gazelle, hand weights that I don't use often enough, and a stationary bike that I'm hoping will be more comfortable once I lose more weight

7) In the Grocery store, I usually head for ________ first.
fruit, because it's the first thing I get to! I buy a lot of Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine meals, but I am hoping to wean myself off the processed foods over the summer. I want to pack bento boxes for Miss Priss and myself when school starts back in August!

8) My personal Motto is:
"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." Stolen from Pablo Picasso. I love learning new things, and often sign on to do or teach things I've never done just so I can learn how to do them.

Feel free to repost with your answers on your blog. I have gotten lots of emails with stuff like this and this is the first time that I can remember ever doing one of these!

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