Monday, May 3, 2010

Four Good Things

Thing the first: My mom is better & will probably get to go home Wednesday. Yay!

Thing the second: My 'Yoga for Healthy Knees' book finally came in, after being ordered about a month ago. My knees are the only parts of my body that really give me grief, knock on wood.

Thing the third: You know that big weight? The one that moves in 50 lb. increments on the medical scale when you weigh in? Yes, that one - I got to move it down a notch today!!! ::happy dance:: I had to move the little weight all the way up to 50, but the bottom weight was on 150 instead of 200!!!! I have finally hit the 200 mark and I am determined to break it - hopefully this Friday! So I have been exercising my little heart out this afternoon. Got my 30 min. bike riding and 30 min. swimming in for triathlon training, did 15 min. boxing (that's all I can do without falling over!) and 15 min. on the gazelle. I am considering doing 30 min. yoga before bed to stretch myself out so I will sleep well. I feel like the Energizer Bunny!

Thing the fourth: I have been swimming with my head out of the water, doing a 25 yard lap in just under a minute. By the time I am done, my neck is sore. I got goggles (and nose clips, but they make me feel panicky so I can't use them) over the weekend so I could put my face in the water. I am down to my last pair of contacts and I can't lose them! It wasn't as easy as I thought. I panicked a little, and felt very out of breath. It took me 15 minutes and several tries before I got the hang of it. My college swim class was a long time ago! Anyhow, I can only swim one length of the pool before grabbing the side and panting to catch my breath, but I can do that one length in 35 seconds! My goal Wednesday is to swim two lengths without stopping. I figure I can build endurance a little at a time. If I can't swim correctly the whole way, I can do the sidestroke for a while (45 seconds) until I can catch my breath.

Hope everyone else had an awesome Monday!

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