Thursday, February 25, 2010

What is Wrong with Me? Couch to 5K

One of my goals was to begin the Couch to 5K program next week. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to make it through the first day, so I decided to try it last night just to make sure I could do it. I started out walking at 4.2 km/hr and running at 7.2 km/hr and couldn't do it - so I slowed down to walking at 4.0 km/hr and running at 6.0 km/hr and it was really tough, but I did it - and I only had to hang on to the front of the treadmill once.

I felt like it was killing me, and my legs felt like jello when I was done, but I did it and felt fine afterward. My legs aren't even sore today. But what I don't understand is that all day I have been impatient for tomorrow so I can try it again. You are only supposed to do it every other day. I know when I get on that treadmill tomorrow, I will be thinking about how crazy I was to be looking forward to it all day today. I'm not sure what is up with that. Anyhow, I consider myself starting the C25K as of yesterday.

I used the Podrunner Interval Podcast while I was doing it, and it helped me keep my speed up - even at that slow pace I was going much faster than I normally go on the treadmill. And I felt like I had a much better workout when I was finished.

I am going for time, not distance. When I make it through week nine (or whenever I finish), then I will start increasing my speed to improve my distance.

Today, my off day, I did 45 minutes of Helix (just got it for wii, one website called it "DDR for your arms") and 15 of wii boxing. Can't wait until tomorrow!

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