Sunday, February 21, 2010

Finally Home and How I Know I Will Be a Healthy Weight

I had a great time at the Alabama Clay Conference. Had coffee & raisin bran for breakfast each day (and an apple this morning). For lunch, the healthiest option was a 'triple-decker' wheat PB&J. I skipped the chips & pasta salad and just ate the sandwich and a piece of fruit.

Friday dinner was reception food across from the art gallery. I loaded up on grapes, carrots, and cucumbers, but still had a mini biscuit with ham & mustard and a couple of small pieces of cheese. Saturday was a lot of cheesy soups, except for the chili. So I got it and a single pack of crackers.

Today at lunch there weren't any mayo-free options, so I ate a banana and an apple and the granola I had in my purse. Now I know that it wasn't enough, because I was really hungry a couple of hours later. So I had some rice cakes. I am learning.

I exercised 15 min. when we arrived at 1:30 am Thursday night. Friday was so tiring that I forgot (!) but got up early Saturday to get 15 minutes in for Friday. Saturday night I did 20 min. treadmill and 10 min. bike, and today after I got home I did 17 min. wii fit. I am pooped and have had a long and busy weekend and plan to get back to my 30 min. daily tomorrow.

I have finally come to the realization that I do know that this is going to work. I have been feeling like I am trying to convince myself, but something happened this weekend that made me realize that deep down, I believe it. I saw a slender lady who was laughing and talking to some friends. Normally, my first though would have been, "I wish I was that skinny" or "I'll never be that skinny" or something similar. But the first thought that popped into my head was, "when I'm that skinny..." I don't even remember what the rest of my thought was, because I was so shocked that I had that reaction!

I am still learning to eat healthy, and still trying to keep myself motivated to exercise, but I will get there.

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