Thursday, April 22, 2010

Triathlon Planning

Tuesday I went to the local pool and swam laps (the first time is free). I swam 600 yards in just under 30 minutes. The slowest time from last year's triathlon was 28:53, so I think I can make the cut. The only problem is I am swimming in a pool where I can push off from a wall every 25 yards. The triathlon swim is in a lake. I think the next time I will just stop when I get to the wall and not push off and see how fast I can do it. I did feel good that I could swim that entire time without stopping. I didn't push myself much, though. I wanted to make sure I had enough energy to go the whole distance.

Since this is the first time I have timed myself swimming, I think I can shave enough time off to make the cut. Only problem is, the pool is $100 to join. That's for a year, not so bad, but we just spent that much already on a new bike.

I went bike riding for fun yesterday, with a teenage friend of the family who was also looking for someone to ride bikes with. My husband had asked me the day before if my bike (some sort of Schwinn cruiser, lovely, but with no gears) would work for the triathlon. I told him since I just wanted to finish under the time limit, it should be fine. But after yesterday's ride, I realized it wasn't going to work. Any time there was a hill, I slowed down almost to a stop and really had to work to get it up the incline. Whenever we went downhill, there was no point in my pedaling as it had no effect. My friend let me try her bike with gears, and she talked me through how to use them. The difference was incredible - I could fly up the hills and pick up extra speed on the downhill inclines.

After our ride, we went by my husband's work to see him. He mentioned me needing a new bike again, and this time I agreed. So I now have a new Schwinn Jet Star with 21 speeds. I bought a speedometer to go on it. Today we went out again, but Miss Priss was with us (age 6) so I couldn't really let it out over a distance. I did speed up over some short spaces and got up to 14.9 mph. That concerned me, because the triathlon is 16.2 miles of biking. I was thinking I needed to complete that portion in about an hour, and that would require a speed of 16.2 mph.

When I got home, I looked it up and the slowest bike time was 1:29:08 which averages out to about 11 mph. I don't know if I can get it that fast and keep it that fast. I am still very shaky on the bike, and a little nervous. If I am on a paved road with few turns, and I build up some muscle and endurance, I may be okay. I really need to take it out somewhere where I can get up some speed.

I still have not made the running up to day 3 of week 5, but today was my first day running since I had been sick. I didn't push it, since I had already spent 45 min. on the bike this morning. I walked 5 min, ran 3, walked 2, ran 3, walked 2. Pitiful. But I am hoping to get a schedule worked out so I can run, bike and swim each week without overdoing it any day. I also don't want to give up my twice a week yoga, but I didn't even go this week. It just takes up so much time!

This week:
Tuesday: 40 min. swim
Wednesday: 45 min. biking
Thursday: 45 min. biking, 15 min. treadmill, 15 min. boxing

I may get some yoga in later - after the tummy bug I didn't exercise for a week and I think I have gained 3 or 4 lbs. back. I want to make it up while I can because next week I have to go back to work! This week has been our spring break.

Sometimes I feel like I'm crazy for even trying this (last year there were only 2 women in the Athena category - 150 lbs. or more - and I'm over 200), but I know even if I fail I will be so far ahead of where I am now. And if I fail, they aren't going to cancel all triathlons in the future - there will be more. And I will finish one.

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