Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Busyness and Training

Well, I finished the dragonfly. Here's a picture:

In between finishing the dragonfly and delivering it, while it was drying, I managed to get my swim in. After I delivered it, I got my bike ride in, even though it was dark. One benefit to living downtown is there is very little traffic at night and there are some large, well-lit parking lots.

I felt better once I was done. I had been nervous - that training schedule is enough to make anyone nervous - but once I saw how easy it was to work it in even on a busy night I felt more comfortable with it. I am supposed to do strength training twice a week, so I decided to add it to Sundays and Tuesdays because I only have a run on those days.

This afternoon Miss Priss and I went to the gym (she said she has been wanting to go to see the kids' area, but I think it had more to do with the TV and Cartoon Network). I did 4 min. warmup, 12 min. run, and 4 min. cool down followed by 25 min. strength training. It wasn't bad.

I am going to have to do some planning. We are going out of town to visit family Friday night & won't be back until Sunday night. I don't know how I am going to get my swim in because Joe will want to leave before lap times at the pool. I don't want to get off the schedule this early in the game, but I'm not sure how to work it out. I will have to figure out something.

The days I don't exercise it is usually because I make it out in my head to be so much more tiring/time consuming/hard than it really is. When I do exercise, I always feel great afterward. So I have got to work on the mental aspect of getting my body healthy. The same thing goes with eating. It is quicker/easier/more convenient to grab some processed crap than it is to make a healthy meal. But when I make or eat a healthy meal, I always enjoy it more.

Hope everyone is having a great week! Almost halfway to the weekend!

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